Friday Fun: Guess Baby Duke’s Birth Date!!

July 13, 2018

The FINAL month of my pregnancy has arrived! Which, to be honest, feels so unreal! It seems crazy to think that in just a few short weeks we will have four kiddos! What?!? It always goes by so unbelievably fast! So, I am determined to take it a little slower from this point forward for the remainder of my pregnancy, and enjoy these last precious moments with my first three before we add the latest little man. Except how do you even slow down in summer with three kids?! Ha!

Anyway, before I start getting too sappy… How about we all have some fun in guessing the arrival date of  Duke Baby #4?!  I am going to do a GIVEAWAY, offering a $25 Cheesecake Factory gift card to one lucky person! The first person to guess the birth date will receive the gift card!

Our due date is AUGUST 12th!

I have my guess!! Whats yours??!? Leave your guess in the comment section below!


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  1. August 9th! Because I’d love to share a birthday with the little guy. 🙂

  2. You look stunning!!! I’m SO excited for you & your family to welcome your new little one!
    My guess is Aug 15th! (:

  3. Geneva says:

    August 8th

  4. Susan Burkhart says:

    My guess is August 6. Can’t wait to meet the new little man!

  5. Brittany says:

    August 4th!

  6. Brittney Peedle says:

    August 7th

  7. Brittney says:

    August 7, 2019

  8. Emily says:

    Glowing mama! I guess August 1st!

  9. Debra Sandridge’ says:

    My guess is August 14

  10. Ashley Morris says:

    August 3rd is my guess!

  11. Sarah Morris says:

    JULY 28th!

  12. Rachel Seay says:

    August 8th.

  13. Claudia Rabe says:

    August 10th is my guess

  14. Jason Watts says:

    Amber guess August 16. I’m going with August 3!

  15. Jessica Jessee says:

    August 3rd!

  16. Sara White says:

    August 5th- Jason says it will be on his birthday 😉

  17. Julia Noack says:

    August 10!! You look beautiful mama!

  18. Stacey Herndon says:

    I’m saying August 8th.

  19. chelsie dolan says:

    August 11th

  20. Sarah says:

    I’m going with August 4th

  21. Susan Haydon says:

    August 6, 2018

  22. Jen Liptak says:

    My guess is the 5th!! That was Sissy’s due date! 🤗☺️