Hello SUMMER! Most of you started summer break this week *cue the confetti!!*, but my family has been in summer mode for a month now! What kind of plans do you all have for this summer break?? I’d LOVE to hear some ideas, because I’m already getting the “I’m bored!” …. Really?? We just went to the beach for the weekend.. CHILL! Haha!
With summer now here, it also brings the oh so lovely BUG BITES!! My poor boy Logan can’t go outside for 10 minutes without coming back in with no less than 5 bites on him. The mosquitos just love him! ONE THING we love for any kind of bug bites/tick bites is the PURIFICATION OIL from Young Living! It works great for killing the bacteria left by the insect, and takes away the itch while healing the skin. It’s applied daily around here!! If you’d like to try a sample of it EMAIL ME NOW! (I’ll send out samples to the first 3 PEOPLE to email me!)
BUT, for protection/prevention (we ran out, I just got more!) we use Dr. Mercola’s Bug Spray! It’s amazing! Our family has been using it this week again and Logan hasn’t come in from playing with multiple bites on him! Yay! Plus, it doesn’t stink like most bug sprays and it’s good for your skin since there aren’t loads of chemicals in it. 🙂 You can find it here or on Amazon if you’re interested!
If you’d like to learn more about Essential Oils from Young Living, please let me know!

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