As I am sure you know by now, studio sessions have become a love of mine! So this Spring we decided to change it up a bit and offer studio spring minis, as opposed to only doing them outdoors like we would typically offer. And while things may not have gone as planned.. we learned a lot along the way and I love how the images turned out!! Trying new things with your business is scary, things don’t always run smoothly, and there is a bit of a risk usually. BUT, this is one I am glad we took!
My assistant and I put together an inspiration board for all of the ideas we had floating through our heads for this shoot, and eventually ended up deciding on two settings, one with a blue backdrop and the other with a white. OH – and we had baby chicks there too!! I was so excited when I realized that the timing would work out to have them at the mini sessions because they made for the perfect Spring prop! Now I’m curious.. which one is your favorite?! Let me know by leaving a comment!
Images by Faith Photography

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